The objective of PeopleFinderNow. is to provide the most cost effective intelligence information for our clients, primarily used to locate missing persons, adoptee and bio-parents, skips, dead-beats, military buddies, classmates, former business associates,old friends, lost loves and business intelligence....

The name PeopleFinderNow is privately owned & operated independently and networked to other websites since its inception in June 2000.

Over the years our services has undergone many changes and many domains.. We have refined the focus and quality of information while the primary field of inquiry has remained the same. Our Services along with a handful of others in the 1990's helped to pioneer DNA testing with respect to verifying biological linkage with Vietnam Amerasian children with birth mother's and or birth father's..We found this of paramount importance when one or both parties are in doubt of the authenticity of our findings.These techniques insure the integrity of our findings. On occasion we may run a few inquiries for " Humanitarian " purposes"..such as our volunteer locate work for non-profit organization. PeopleFinderNow.com and associates provides Professional Search Services for the general public, and has helped find many missing family members,adopted children and bio parents, old friends, lost loves, plus business intelligence across the world. Have you been disappointed by outdated information, inaccurate results, or standardized responses and expected more? Professionally Researched Public, Private, State, Government and Proprietary Records. No Signups, Membership or Monthly Access Fees Required. A Permissible Purpose Might Be Required for Certain Inquiries Such As Motor Vehicles and Driver Records, ect...

We adhere to and are compliant with GDPR DPPA GLBA FCRA and IDTADA

We have many resources and many contacts in N America, S.E Asia, Europe and elsewhere, and with much assistance from associates who know who they are. As always a big THANK YOU. Two of our specialties are adoption searches and in-country searches for missing people and family in Vietnam

In addition to "people searches", (our primary interest), we can provide business intelligence inquiries, asset searches, background checks, select state DMV information, various public and proprietary records. We have global resources at your disposal. At this time we do not maintain a price list for consumer, business and other intelligence type information. If you require any of these searches however, please submit a search form;Free Consulting*for an evaluation and quote. Our people search prices have and always will be on a case by case basis depending on the criteria and level of difficulty.


In this computer age we live in, there are many searches that are either "hit or miss". Additionally, sometimes a search will return information that is no longer current, but is the most up to date info available. Many services will quit on you at this juncture. While a "guarantee" in most cases is not possible, often further inquires will locate the subject or information you initially requested. We provide you with support (standard on all searches) and additional follow-up work if you request this. Note: Additional fees or searches may apply for a comprehensive and ongoing inquiry.

It has been said that the majority of people do not like their jobs, considering them more or less "thankless", and that includes some people in this field. That may or may not be true for others, but we like what we do, have been thanked many times for what we do and look forward to the next challenge of finding that important person in your life.


We locate people who are either missing by circumstance or by their own design (hence the term "skip").When we find someone we've been hired and paid to find, our job is finished. The rest is up to you. We will give you advice on how to handle a particular situation if asked. Along the path of an inquiry we occasionally encounter a hostile subject that never wanted to be located to begin with, (as example: a birth mother who gave a child up for adoption, does not wish to seek the child she relinquished, and is very angry at having been "made"). When this happens, we will advise you of the situation, provide "proof" if we can that we have found your subject, but cease and desist from the case at that juncture. We do not conduct surveillance, and DO NOT conduct pre-employment interviews. We can provide the necessary background information for others to do that if requested.
Unlike many services out there, our search results are for the most part NOT IMMEDIATE or INSTANT, however, most search results are returned within 24 hours or less. Our services are for the general consumer, and as such generally we do not provide searches for other services/investigators such as ours.We typically do not do Genealogy searches beyond what is involved in an adoption birth parent/adoptee inquiry. We do not search for children under the age of 18, or who have been abducted or runaways, and will not do business with anyone under the age of 18. We do not run inquiries on political figures, celebrities or known public officials with or without authorized permission.. Additionally, we are not a Credit Reporting Agency and do not provide Consumer Credit Reports,(with or without subject permission) nor will we provide FULL Social Security Numbers in our reports for security purposes. We do not provide monthly Telephone Billing Records either..

The Barriers To Obtaining Information

Obtaining information on individuals always entails problems. Federal agencies and state legislatures enact laws and regulations protecting the privacy of individuals on an ever-expanding basis.

Apart from Federal laws and regulations, however, there is little consistency from state to state.

The regulation governing consumer credit reports is the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This is a Federal law and is, therefore, enforced uniformly throughout the US, its territories and possessions. This means that consumer credit reports are available on the same basis in every state, but we will not provide consumer credit reports as part of any background inquiry even with the subject's written authorization, (there are other services who specialize in this)- and if you do not already have your subjects SS#, will not provide it to you.

All consistency ends there! Other types of information - motor vehicle and court records, for example - might be readily available in some States and not available at all, or difficult to obtain, in others.

Therefore, we can't always provide you with the information that you want, or in rare cases will not, for the security of others who may be involved.

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